Today I made a cute handbag using soft and warm corduroy fabric. The stylish design is emphasized by tying a knot on the handle. I will show you detailed information, from how to draw a pattern to sewing it to completion. Let’s make it together.

The finished measurements of this bag are approximately 8¼″(21㎝) W × 6¾″(17㎝) H × 2¾″(7㎝) D.
You may watch the full video tutorial on my Youtube channel.
Share this video with a lot of people who need it.
Seam allowances are 3/8″ unless otherwise specified.
Let's get started!!
To make this you will need:
◎ Main Panel
② 9″ × 7½″ (23㎝ × 19㎝) Outer layer
② 9″ × 1¾″ (23㎝ × 4.5㎝) Outer layer
② 9″ × 6½″ (23㎝ × 16.5㎝) Lining
◎ Side Panel
② 3⅝″ × 22⅜″ (9㎝ × 57㎝) Outer layer
② 3⅝″ × 13¾″ (9㎝ × 34.5㎝) Outer layer
② 3⅝″ × 9¾″ (9㎝ × 24.5㎝) Lining
◎ Bottom Panel
① 4¾″ × 3⅝″ (12㎝ × 9㎝) Outer layer
① 4¾″ × 3⅝″ (12㎝ × 9㎝) Lining
◎ Inside Pocket
① 5⅝″ × 6¾″ (14㎝ × 17㎝) Lining
◎ Button Fabric
④ 2″ × 2⅜″ (5㎝ × 6㎝) Outer layer
◎ Others
① 1/2″ (1.2㎝) Magnetic Buttons

Place the small outer layer on top of the lining of the main panel. Sew along top edge using a 3/8″ seam allowance.

Open out, press outer layer and top stitch on the lining.

The pattern for making this can be drawn by yourself by watching my YouTube video.

Place the small outer layer on the lining of the side panel. Sew with a 3/8″ seam allowance.

Place the right sides together of the two side panels and sew with an allowance of about 3/8″.

To strengthen the bottom of the bag, fabric was added to the center of the bottom and sewn.

Align the centers of the main fabric and the side panel.

Align the side panel to the side of the main fabric and sew with an allowance of about 3/8″.

Use the same process to sew the side panel to the other side of the bag pieces.

Turn the outer layer right side out and put the outer fabric into the lining.

Sew from the entrance of the bag to the handle, leaving an opening.

Clip the corners and turn it right side out by pulling the fabric through the opening. Press, pin and topstitch around all the edges.

Tie both handles together and make a pretty knot and you’re done!!!
Happy sewing!